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海外直订Identifiability of State Space Models: With Applications to Transformation Syste 状态空间模型的可辨识性:在
海外直订Introduction to Mechanics of Particles and Syste... 粒子与系统力学导论“,
海外直订Non-Perturbative Renormalization Group Approach to Some Out-Of-Equilibrium Syste 非微扰重整化群法求解某些非平衡
海外直订State-Space Approaches for Modelling and Control in Financial Engineering: Syste 金融工程中建模和控制的状态
海外直订Dynamic Management of Sustainable Development: Methods for Large Technical Syste 可持续发展的动态管理:大型
海外直订Wireless Personal Communications: The Evolution of Personal Communications Syste 无线个人通信:个人通信系统
海外直订Design and Management of Energy-Efficient Hybrid Electrical Energy Storage Syste 节能型混合电力储能系统的设
海外直订Social Inclusion: Societal and Organizational Implications for Information Syste 社会包容:信息系统的社会和
海外直订State-Space Approaches for Modelling and Control in Financial Engineering: Syste 金融工程建模与控制的状态空
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海外直订Tensor Network Contractions: Methods and Applications to Quantum Many-Body Syste
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海外直订Constrained Optimal Control: Piecewise Affine and Linear Parameter-Varying Syste 约束最优控制:分段仿射和线
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海外直订Long-Term Integration of Renewable Energy Sources Into the European Energy Syste 将可再生能源长期纳入欧洲能
海外直订Raspberry Pi OS System Administration with syste... 树莓派OS系统管理与systemd和Python
海外直订Interconnected Modern Multi-Energy Networks and Intelligent Transportation Syste Interconne
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海外直订Introduction to Discrete Event Simulation and Agent-Based Modeling: Voting Syste 介绍离散事件仿真和基于代理的建
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海外直订Who Will Be the Next President?: A Guide to the U.S. Presidential Election Syste 谁将成为下一任总统?:美国总
海外直订An Evaluation of the Air Force's Enlisted Performance Report and Promotion Syste 空军入伍业绩报告与晋升制度
海外直订Automotive Repair Case Studies: Diagnostic Strategies of Modern Automotive Syste 汽车维修案例研究:现代汽车
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