按需印刷The Civil War and Slavery Reconsidered:Negotiating the Peripheries[9780367181222]
按需印刷Centring on the Peripheries[9781909408623]
预订Disseminating Shakespeare in the Nordic Countries:Shifting Centres and Peripheries in the Nineteenth Century
预订Sustainable Politics and the Crisis of the Peripheries:Ireland and Greece
【预售】Centres and Peripheries of Psychoanalysis: An
【预售】Peripheries and Center: Constitutional Development
【预售】Translation Peripheries: Paratextual Elements in
【预售】The Gold Standard Peripheries
【预订】Digital Peripheries
海外直订Peripheries: Syntactic Edges and Their Effects 边缘:句法边缘及其影响
海外直订The Gold Standard Peripheries: Monetary Policy, Adjustment and Flexibility in a 金本位外围:全球背景下的货
海外直订Competitive European Peripheries 竞争激烈的欧洲周边地区
海外直订Translation Peripheries: Paratextual Elements in Translation 翻译边缘:翻译中的副文本因素
【预订】Resource Peripheries in the Global Economy 9783030846084
【预售 按需印刷】Centring on the Peripheries
海外直订Literature from the Peripheries: Refrigerated Culture and Pluralism 边缘文学:冷冻的文化与多元主义
海外直订Centring on the Peripheries 以外围为中心
海外直订Digital Peripheries 数字外围
海外直订Centres and Peripheries in Banking: The Historical Development of Financial Mark 银行业的中心和边缘:金融市
海外直订Transformation of Resource Towns and Peripheries: Political Economy Perspectives 资源型城镇及其周边地区的转
海外直订Spaces of Justice: Peripheries, Passages, Appropriations 正义的空间:外围、通道、挪用
海外直订The Future of Europe's Rural Peripheries 欧洲农村边缘地区的未来
海外直订Decolonial Politics in European Peripheries 欧洲边缘地区的非殖民化政治
海外直订Mobility and Place: Enacting Northern European Peripheries 流动性与地域:北欧边缘的制定
海外直订Urban Transformations: Centres, Peripheries and ... 城市转型:中心、外围和系统
[预订]Parameters and Peripheries of Culture 9780819579553
[预订]Parameters and Peripheries of Culture 9780819579546
预订 Provincials: Postcards from the Peripheries
预订 Globalized Peripheries: Central Europe and the Atlantic World, 1680-1860 全球化的外围:中欧和大西洋世界,1680-1860
预订 Tourism in Peripheries 边缘观光事业: 9781845931773
预订 Language, Health and Culture: Problematizing the Centers and Peripheries of Healthcare Communication Research 语言
预订 Households and Financialization in Europe: Mapping Variegated Patterns in Semi-Peripheries 欧洲的家庭与金融化:半边
预订 Histories of Anthropology: Interactions Between Centers and Peripheries in the Making of Anthropological Discourses
预订 The Civil War and Slavery Reconsidered: Negotiating the Peripheries 重新审视内战与奴隶制:边缘谈判: 9780367661946
【4周达】Barrio San Siro : Structural Violence in the Peripheries of Milan [9781666950816]
【4周达】Women in 'New Nepal': Through the Lens of Classed, Ethnic, and Gendered Peripheries [9781032330587]
预订 New Media in the Margins: Lived Realities and Experiences from the Malaysian Peripheries 页边距中的新媒体:生活的现
预订 How Border Peripheries are Changing the Nature of Arab States 边界周边如何改变阿拉伯国家的性质: 9783031091865
预订 The Future of Europe’s Rural Peripheries: 9780815397779
【4周达】The Evolution of Functional Left Peripheries in Hungarian Syntax [9780198709855]
【4周达】'Race', Culture and the Right to the City: Centres, Peripheries, Margins [9780230202702]
【4周达】Transformation of Resource Towns and Peripheries: Political economy perspectives [9780367875190]
【4周达】PERIPHERIES MORROW [9780415640299]
【4周达】Centers and Peripheries in Knowledge Production [9780415840798]
【4周达】Ethnic Frontiers and Peripheries: Landscapes of Development and Inequality in Israel [9780367167233]
预订 The Civil War and Slavery Reconsidered : Negotiating the Peripheries [9780367181222]
【4周达】Sustainable Energy Technology, Business Models, and Policies: Theoretical Peripheries and Pr... [9780443184543]
【4周达】Negotiated Empires: Centers and Peripheries in the Americas, 1500-1820 [9780415925389]
【4周达】Negotiated Empires : Centers and Peripheries in the Americas, 1500-1820 [9780415925396]
【4周达】The Gold Standard Peripheries: Monetary Policy, Adjustment and Flexibility in a Global Setting [9780230343177]
【4周达】Provincials: Postcards from the Peripheries [9780300266139]
【4周达】Centres and Peripheries in Banking : The Historical Development of Financial Markets [9780754661214]
【4周达】Peripheries and Center: Constitutional Development in the Extended Polities of the British E... [9780393306613]
【4周达】B-Sides, Undercurrents and Overtones: Peripheries to Popular in Music, 1960 to the Present [9780754665618]
【4周达】European Peripheries in the Postcolonial Literary Imagination [9781032726779]
【4周达】Peripheries [9780692506875]
【4周达】Sustainable Politics and the Crisis of the Peripheries: Ireland and Greece [9780857247612]
【4周达】Innovation at the Peripheries: Firm Strategy for Enabling Regional Advantages [9783031711725]
【4周达】PERIPHERIES MORROW [9780415640305]
预订 AGENCY IN THE PERIPHERIES OF LANGUAGE REVITALISATION Examining European Practices on the Ground 语言复兴外围的能动
预订 Innovative Cultural Tourism in European Peripheries 欧洲周边的创新文化旅游: 9781032728995
预订 Centres and Peripheries in Banking: The Historical Development of Financial Markets: 9781138252141
预订 B-Sides, Undercurrents and Overtones: Peripheries to Popular in Music, 1960 to the Present: 9781138257689
预订 Centers and Peripheries in Knowledge Production 知识生产的*和边缘: 9781138957398
【4周达】Figurations of Peripheries Through Arts and Visual Studies: Peripheries in Parallax [9781032390642]
预订 Mobility and Place: Enacting Northern European Peripheries: 9781138270114
【4周达】Jewish Centers and Peripheries: Europe Between America and Israel Fifty Years After World Wa... [9781138511194]
【4周达】Women in 'New Nepal': Through the Lens of Classed, Ethnic, and Gendered Peripheries [9781032259369]
【4周达】Mobility and Place : Enacting Northern European Peripheries [9781138270114]
【4周达】'Race', Culture and the Right to the City : Centres, Peripheries, Margins [9781349300778]
预订 Print Culture and Peripheries in Early Modern Europe: A Contribution to the History of Printing and the Book Trade
【4周达】The Gold Standard Peripheries : Monetary Policy, Adjustment and Flexibility in a Global Setting [9781349344598]
【4周达】Disseminating Shakespeare in the Nordic Countries: Shifting Centres and Peripheries in the N... [9781350200869]
【4周达】The Making of Modern Property: Reinventing Roman Law in Europe and Its Peripheries 1789-1950 [9781108494779]
【4周达】Disseminating Shakespeare in the Nordic Countries: Shifting Centres and Peripheries in the N... [9781350201019]
【4周达】Centres and Peripheries in Banking : The Historical Development of Financial Markets [9781138252141]
【4周达】B-Sides, Undercurrents and Overtones: Peripheries to Popular in Music, 1960 to the Present [9781138257689]
【4周达】Centers and Peripheries in Knowledge Production [9781138957398]
【4周达】Decolonial Politics in European Peripheries: Redefining Progressiveness, Coloniality and Tra... [9781032160351]
【4周达】Tourism in Peripheries: Perspectives from the Far North and South [9781845931773]
【4周达】Peripheries : Syntactic Edges and their Effects [9781402019081]
【4周达】Peripheries : Syntactic Edges and their Effects [9781402019098]
预订 Centres and Peripheries: Metropolitan and Non-Metropolitan Journalism in the Twenty-First Century [9781443826716]
预订 Syntax-Information Structure Interactions in the Sentential, Verbal and Nominal Peripheries [9781527548459]
预订 Revisiting Centres and Peripheries in Iberian Studies : Culture, History and Socio-economic Change [9781527536890]
【4周达】Imperial Peripheries in the Neo-Assyrian Period [9781607329916]
【4周达】Literature from the Peripheries : Refrigerated Culture and Pluralism [9781666927535]
【4周达】Globalized Peripheries - Central Europe and the Atlantic World, 1680-1860 [9781783274758]
【4周达】Agency in the Peripheries of Language Revitalisation : Examining European Practices on the G... [9781800416253]
【4周达】Digital Peripheries: Internet and Socio-spatial Practices in Marginalized Contexts [9781786609601]
【4周达】Agency in the Peripheries of Language Revitalisation : Examining European Practices on the G... [9781800416260]
【4周达】Centring on the Peripheries: Essays on Scandinavian, Scottish, Gaelic and Greenlandic Litera... [9781909408623]
【4周达】Digital Peripheries : The Online Circulation of Audiovisual Content from the Small Market Pe... [9783030448493]
【4周达】Digital Peripheries : The Online Circulation of Audiovisual Content from the Small Market Pe... [9783030448523]